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Pemutaran filem sepuluh tahun reformasi mencoba membuka ruang untuk mengingat sejarah Indonesia. Sepuluh tahun lalu, gelombang pergerakan mahasiswa berhasil meruntuhkan rejim otoriter Soeharto. Tapi, banyak cerita luka tersimpan, banyak pula kenangan meradang. Sebercak catatan untuk masa depan pun dikeluarkan.

Mulai tanggal 12-20 Mei 2008, Kineforum memutar rangkaian filem-filem sepuluh tahun reformasi yang digagas oleh Proyek Payung, sebuah forum hasil inisiasi Prima Rusdi, Hafiz dan Edwin. Proyek ini melibatkan sepuluh orang sutradara, yaitu Ariani Darmawan (Sugiharti Halim), Edwin (Trip to the Wound), Hafiz (Bertemu Jen), Ifa Isfansyah (Happiness Morning Light), Lucky Kuswandi (A Letter of Unprotected Memory), Otty Widasari (Kemarin), Ucu Agustin (Yang Belum Usai), Steven Pillar Setiabudi (Sekolah Kami Hidup Kami), Wisnu Suryapratama (‘Kucing’ 9808: Catatan Seorang [mantan] Demonstran).

Sepuluh filem pendek ini berkisah ragam. Kompilasinya diberi tajuk “9808”. Filem-filem dalam kompilasi kebanyakan menyoroti persoalan sejarah dan pengalaman orang-orang di waktu kejadian reformasi politik itu berlangsung. Ariani Darmawan, salah seorang sutradara filem sepuluh tahun reformasi membuat filem menggugah tentang perubahan nama yang biasa dialami etnis Cina-Indonesia. Filem ini termasuk filem favorit selama pemutaran berlangsung. Kisahnya sederhana, lucu namun cerdas. Hafiz membuat filem mengenai seorang pemain teater tua bernama Jean Marais. Pertanyaan-pertanyaan kaku mengenai pengalaman pemain teater itu di saat peristiwa reformasi, serta jawaban-jawaban segar dan apa adanya membuat filem ini mencengangkan. Kisah soal pertemuan cinta aktivis reformasi pun ditayangkan dengan penuh canda oleh Otty Widasari. Juga kisah-kisah menyedihkan yang tampil seperti cerita ibu seorang aktivis yang mati ditembak sepuluh tahun lalu atau perjuangan menghapus luka seorang gadis etnis Cina yang diperkosa pada waktu itu. Ragam kisah di balik ingatan peristiwa politik ini ditutup dengan harapan anak-anak sekolah untuk membawa bangsa ini di masa mendatang yang terekam dalam filem Sekolah Kami Hidup Kami.

Proyek Dadakan

Di balik terlaksananya filem sepuluh tahun reformasi adalah sebuah forum yang dinamai Proyek Payung. Awalnya Proyek Payung dibentuk dari obrolan warung di bilangan jalan Benda. Waktu itu minggu ketiga bulan September 2007. Menurut salah satu penggagasnya, Prima Rusdi, forum ini dibentuk secara dadakan. Namanya pun diambil secara spontan. “Kenapa kami pakai nama Proyek Payung itu sederhana. Karena kami tak punya kantor dan mayoritas yang terlibat di dalam proyek ini kerap sepakat bertemu di kawasan payung-payung tempat penjual makanan di Taman Ismail Marzuki (Jakarta),” ungkap Prima.

Kendala pertemuan yang cukup susah tidak lantas membuat proyek terhenti. Meskipun sudah dibantu oleh musisi produser dan penyunting seperti Meiske Taurisia, Sastha Sunu, Thoersi Argeswara, Emir Hakim dan Rizal Iwan, rata-rata sutradara mengerjakan filemnya sendiri-sendiri. Dengan berbagai kesulitan yang dihadapi, kompilasi filem sepuluh tahun reformasi ini berhasil ditayangkan kepada publik.

Ten Filmmakers in Tenth Years of Indonesian Reform

Screening of 10th Year of Indonesian Reform film has attempted to open the space to remember Indonesia’s history. Ten years ago, the Indonesian students’ movement had successfully brought down the authoritarian regime ruled by Soeharto. However, the event has kept stories of wounds and inflaming memories. Here comes a glimpse of note for the future.

From 12 to 20 May 2008, Kineforum screened ten films from the 10th Year of Indonesian Reform anthology initiated by Proyek Payung (roughly translated Umbrella Project), a forum started by Prima Rusdi, Hafiz, and Edwin. This project invited ten filmmakers. They are Ariani Darmawan (Sugiharti Halim), Edwin (Trip to the Wound), Hafiz (Meeting Jen), Ifa Isfansyah (Happiness Morning Light), Lucky Kuswandi (A Letter of Unprotected Memory), Otty Widasari (Yesterday), Ucu Agustin (An Unfinished One), Steven Pillar Setiabudi (Our School Our Lives), Wisnu Suryapratama (‘‎Kucing 9808’: Chronicles of a (Former) Demonstrator).

These ten short films depict various stories. The title of this anthology is “9808”. Most of the films in this anthology highlight the issue of history and people’s experience during that political reform. In this anthology, Ariani Darmawan made an inspiring film about name changes commonly experienced by ethnic Chinese Indonesians. This film was among the favourite ones during the screening. The story is simple, funny, yet genial. Hafiz made a film about a theatre actor named Jean Marais. Awkward questions regarding Jean Marais’ experience during the political reform and his fresh and unpretentious answers have made this film impressive. Otty Widasari wittily made into a film the story of the love meeting of two political reform activists. Sad stories also appear in this anthology, such as the story of an activist’s mother who was shot dead ten years ago or the struggle to remove the wounds of a Chinese girl who was raped at that time. The various stories behind this political event’s memories are ended with the hope of school children who will carry this nation in the future, as depicted in the film Our School is Our Life.

A Spontaneous Project

Behind the execution of this 10th Year of Indonesian Reform film, a forum named Proyek Payung exists. This forum was formed from small talk in a tavern in Benda street. It was on the third week of September 2007. According to one of the initiators, Prisma Rusdi, this forum was formed spontaneously. Even its name was taken spontaneously. “We use Proyek Payung as our name because it is simple. Because we have no office and most of us who are involved in this project usually agree to meet each other in the area full of umbrellas in Taman Ismail Marzuki (Jakarta) where people sell food,” said Prima.

The obstacles that made it challenging to meet each other do not stop this project. Even though some music producers and editors such as Meiske Taurisia, Sastha Sunu, Thoersi Argeswara, Emir Hakim, and Rizal Iwan help this project, most of the filmmakers prefer to work on their own films. Regardless of the adversities, the anthology of the 10th Year of Indonesian Reform film was delivered successfully to the public.

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